Bonus $aver account from standard chartered seems to be a very good choice for those who need a highest interest earning savings account in singapore with some stars attached to it.
First *, spend atleast $500 monthly on the associated credit card
Second *,Keep minimum balance of 3000+ from jan'13 onwards.
What you get is $100 cash back for $10000 transfer and $200 for $50000 transfer.Capital can be transferred back when in need as soon as you get cash back without any costs or penalties associated with it.
InvestmentsInsights Rating for this product :
First *, spend atleast $500 monthly on the associated credit card
Second *,Keep minimum balance of 3000+ from jan'13 onwards.
What you get is $100 cash back for $10000 transfer and $200 for $50000 transfer.Capital can be transferred back when in need as soon as you get cash back without any costs or penalties associated with it.
InvestmentsInsights Rating for this product :